Wednesday, March 11, 2015

HAIR REMOVAL AND WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EPILATORS (wonderful little torture devices)

Okay, so I realize tons of you have never heard of epilating before, and I have no clue why! Hair removal is one of the biggest downsides to being female. I am in no way saying that females should remove body hair, it is a personal choice, but most of us choose to. I am going to briefly go over different methods of hair removal and the positives and negatives for each. I am not discussing threading and the Bellabe/spring thingies in this post because those are primarily used for facial hair. I have just discovered epilating and I wish I had known about it earlier! Epilators are basically devices that have multiple tweezers that rotate really fast and pull out hair by the root. There are cordless ones, battery operated ones, and chargeable ones, some can be used in the shower, some come with massaging heads, there are SO many options. Don't be scared to try it because of the pain factor! It is not that bad and it is so worth being hair free for the next week at the least!

Pros: fast, easy, cheap, usually not irritating to the skin, smooth to touch afterwards
Cons: hair *seems* to grow back thicker (really it doesn't, but if it looks like it does it might as well be), stubbly/prickliness, can see the hair underneath the skin sometimes or the little black dots (five o'clock shadow), cuts/nicks/scrapes, very short lived results

Pros: pulls hair out from the root so results last a while, smooth to touch afterwards, won't see hair under the skin, no stubbly/prickly feeling when the hair grows back, hair grows back finer and patchy (because hair grows in different cycles and some follicles are damaged enough that they no longer grow hair)
Cons: expensive at a salon, they sell cheaper at home kits but they may be tricky to use effectively, can cause ingrown hairs, may irritate the skin, painful, have to wait for the hair to grow out a bit before you can wax again

DEPILATORY CREAMS (Nair, Veet, etc.)
Pros: fast, easy, smooth to touch afterwards
Cons: made of harsh chemicals that can irritate, burn, and darken the skin, results are short lived, can see hair underneath, prickliness/stubble when hair grows back, this is pretty much shaving with chemicals instead of a razor

Pros: pulls hair out from the root so results last a while, cheaper (in the long run), won't see hair under the skin, no stubbly/prickly feeling when the hair grows back, hair grows back finer and patchy (because hair grows in different cycles and some follicles are damaged enough that they no longer grow hair)
Cons: can cause ingrown hairs, painful, does not get the super tiny hairs so it will not be SUPER smooth to the touch, may cause redness afterwards

Thursday, January 31, 2013


         Alright so today is January 31st :) It has been EXACTLY a month since I stopped biting my nails :D
Here they are ^^ There's a pic of my nails from before if you go back to my older posts from this month.

That's my kinda haphazard and awful nail painting skills but I'm still very proud of myself :) And you can be too! The nail polish is Wet n' Wild, the shade is Blue Moon it's actually a very nice blue with specks of green in it although you can't really tell in this pic :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Alright, so since my last post about having stopped biting my nails I have kept that up and I just wanted to show y'all my nails now :D Keep in mind it's only been a week! I've been using Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Nail Hardener in the natural pinkish tint :) And I love it! I actually feel like it makes my nails a bit less likely to chip and break, which is exactly what it claims to do. It takes forever to dry, but once it's dry it is so very shiny :D

And here are my nails as of today :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Stop Biting Your Nails!!!

         Okay, so I have been a nail biter ALL my life, well actually my dad bites his nails so when I was like five or six I decided I wanted to be like him and I started to bite my nails too >.> I'm not kidding... it was the dumbest reason ever, but now it is ingrained in me and gosh it is tough to kick the habit. I did it once before. I stopped March of 2012 for Prom and I had beautiful nails come Prom night, but then around October I started biting again >.< and once again my nails were as repulsive as ever :( But on New Year's eve I promised a five year old that I would stop biting my nails (she promised too) and so now we are bound, and I have kept up my end of it! and here's the progress!

        And I realize to all of you non-biters this isn't very remarkable, but to me this is GLORIOUS! And I have done this without any of the no-bite nail polishes that taste like shit D: Honestly I think it comes down to desire, and I figure this is much easier for women lol. But that's how I did it, I imagined me having beautiful nails again, and all the pretty, sparkly colors I could paint them, and how I could wear more rings if my fingers weren't so ugly, and well I'll keep you posted on my progress, but remember it only takes 30 days to make or break a habit. Good Luck! Here are some motivational nails :P

And for the more creative...

On a serious note... St. John's Wort

      Alright, so around Novemberish I was having issues... I didn't feel myself, I felt kinda like everything/everyone was moving on without me. Okay, so one of my best friends from high school came to my college with me, except she lives in an off campus (but practically on campus) apartment with her sister and a few other seniors (we're both freshman) and well I live at home like 30 minutes away... and basically I think we're drifting apart :/  and well honestly she was the only close friend I had left that hadn't moved away :/ besides my boyfriend. And I wasn't doing so well with my grades and I was upset about my grandmother leaving (she had stayed with us for 6 months) and it was all very bleak, PLUS IT WAS WINTERTIME :(
And honestly I felt like I wanted to fall asleep and never wake up, I didn't know what I was doing or what made me happy anymore... So anyways I took a few depression quizzes online and I always came up with moderately depressed, and honestly I probably overreacted and it was probably just situational depression, or maybe even cuz it was winter but at the time I felt so flat. My mother had Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD for short lololol) and that was why we moved here from London, and so I guess it could've even been that.

Anyways, so I did some research on natural remedies for mild depression and the like and I came up with St. John's Wort and 5-htp as options, and I figured I would try St. John's Wort first because somehow it seemed more natural, and my mom was not happy about it, but we'll get to that later, anyways the supplements I bought (the ones in the pic) were to be taken SIX times a day.

And I did take them for about a week, and honestly I don't think it had any affect on my mood (it probably wasn't long enough for it to be able to take effect), but gosh my dreams were EPIC. It was like I could remember VIVIDLY my dreams THROUGHOUT the night, and it was not good >.>

Anyways, if you are going to try St.John's Wort you should read into it, it has MANY drug interactions, and there has been talk of infertility being caused by it, although I don't think there is much evidence, either way, go about it carefully and well informed. 

Later, my dad found the bottle and threw a fit, and he threw it away (I had stopped using it anyways) and told me that pills were not the solution and that I should get out more and exercise or something... which I suppose is pretty solid advice... which I have yet to take...

Although I did stop biting my nails again ^^

OMGoodness I am actually back...

            So... I know I disappeared for quite a while... well I was busy with Thanksgiving break, and winter break, and my family's crazy road trips, and my grandmother left for India again, and I had finals, and I bombed finals, and I got hideous grades my first semester of college, and am now on academic probation for my scholarship... so obviously blogging wasn't exactly a top priority lol. But I AM BACK! So anyhow my first semester gpa is an atrocious 2.214, and I made a D in Calc1 so guess what?! I'm going to have to take Calc1 for THE THIRD FUCKING TIME D: I guess it's my fault but blergh... I never even wanted to be an engineer >.>

          Anyways, I don't know how this post is of any use to y'all... unless I somehow do bring my grades up next semester and manage to get into med school (cuz everyone reads med school blogs :D), which is highly doubtful, although I do rape standardized tests...

           In other, happier news, my parents didn't threaten me with shipping me off to India, and before they saw my grades I got a tablet, like a drawing/graphics tablet, which I've been wanting since FOREVER, lol anyways I got a cheap one, it was Digipro and only like 30 bucks :) and it works awesomely, well actually I wouldn't know since it's my first, but I like it! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hi! :D

           Hey, so... to those of you unfortunate enough to come across this personal outpouring of confusion and teenage angst, I welcome you to my... blog? I haven't done this before, actually to be perfectly honest I've done this tons of times! I just never cared to write more than one post... BUT WHO KNOWS?! THIS COULD BE DIFFERENT! Anyways, I suppose I should introduce myself! I am a freshman in college, your typical freshman I guess you could say? EXCEPT I'M LIVING AT HOME D: Do you hear the distress in my typing?! Actually it's not that bad, I like my family, I like everything about home :) minus the constant questions, my parents lack of trust in me (which isn't exactly unwarranted... I'll get to that later...), my inability to leave the house to hang out with friends, and some other stuff which I'm sure I won't forget to mention in future posts (if there are any that is).   
            Oh and I'm Indian, so I have typical Indian girl problems... I'm not sure if that means anything to any of you... but to my fellow brown skinned, mustached, curry scented brethren it does :) Jk, I love how curry smells, and mustache issues can be easily resolved ^^ and I find brown skin gorgeous ;) Remind me to do a post on mustaches :D those horrid things D: Anyways, I guess this is a mini start :) Maybe I'll come back tomorrow, this isn't so bad, or maybe I'll get lazy and decide to succumb to my Netflix addiction. If I do, Farewell!